Elixir implementation of Chargebee API v2
Charlotte is a Web Framework. It takes a little from Rails and a little from Sinatra and does a few things it's own way. The goal is ...
Authentication & sessions for API's.
Add Oauth2 capabilities to a Charon-protected server.
An elixir implementation of ChatopsRPC
A plug that handles authorization in phoenix applications via policy modules.
Fast HTML-2-PDF/A renderer based on Chrome & Ghostscript
Chrome Proxy Service enabling scalable remote debug protocol connections to managed Headless Chrome instances.
Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries.
CircleCI API Client for Elixir
Client SDK for ClerkJS https://clerk.com/docs/reference/backend-api
Clicksign client
An Elixir web micro-framework, inspired by Sinatra
An elixir library to verify Cloudflare Access application tokens
LINE Clova Extension SDK
Extracts complexities of Cloudtrax into a nice module
For fetching data from any headless CMS with an ETS cache for lightning fast response times.
Set of webhook Plug middleware
Simple HTTP/HTTPS message handler for running tasks from other apps. Used in combination to the Ruby Gem Codelation Messenger. This allo...
A full featured, configurable authentication and user management system for Phoenix.
Detect devices that desktop, mobile, smartphone and tabled form User Agent.
Plug integration for Concerto
Simple package for api authorization.
Tools for managing Plug connections.
Content Negotation lets you render HTML and JSON in the same route.
ContentSecurityPolicy makes working with the `"Content-Security-Policy"` response header simple.
An ecto type that provides easy way of managing email addresses in a database
A library to build Plug-based APIs
Plug-based swiss-army knife for CORS requests.
An Elixir Plug that adds Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers to requests and responds to preflight requests (OPTIONS).