A package for running the code generators from Live SAAS kit.
Simple LiveView components for inline editing
Phoenix components for Phosphoricons!
A block-style editor for live view
Icons collections as HEEX components
Humo RBAC plugin based on Humo framework.
Humo Account plugin based on Humo framework.
Humo framework core package.
An approachable image processing library primarily based upon Vix and libvips that is NIF-based, fast, multi-threaded, pipelined and has ...
Phoenix view functions for working with WebComponent
High performance animations for Phoenix LiveView.
Contentful sync API client for Elixir.
Compliant RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 parser
LiveView client for the Hangman Game.
A admin UI for Phoenix applications built with LiveView
Phoenix Web Profiler & Debug Toolbar
Collection of build components for Phoenix LiveView
This mix task allows you to start a server anywhere on the file system and serve files.
Add Flame graphs to Live Dashboard or your own LiveView
Library for exposing Ecto Schemas entities and attributes.
Tailwind Live Components is a set of HEEX components that builds LiveView components with Tailwind 2.0+
A simple Phoenix/Liveview client for [Altex](https://github.com/iboard/altex). Use it as a scaffold.
A PoC for single-file components for Phoenix LiveView
SecureX is Role Based Access Control(RBAC) and Access Control List (ACL) to handle User Roles And Permissions.
LiveView Template Helpers to use in conjunction with the Pager library and TailwindCSS
Petal is a set of HEEX components that makes it easy for Phoenix developers to start building beautiful web apps.
An Elixir library for writing and running code chores.
Include Bootstrap icons as SVG-strings in your Elixir/Phoenix project!,
It's like AxionCable (100% compatible with JS Client), but you know, for Elixir
Create emails that WOW your customers using MJML and EEx