Elegant, Modern, and Customizable TailwindCSS components for ✨ Lustre ✨
Authenticate with Plex via the Plex pin authentication method
A library for interacting with Slack.
A CORS Builder, performing validation and injection of CORS for misp, wisp and any framework!
OpenAI Client
Work with Liberapay in Gleam!
Lustre's official CLI and development tooling.
Gleam Telegram Bot Library
A library for toki pona
A purely Gleam Discord library built from the ground up with stratus.
WinterCG compatible interface for creating event-driven servers in Gleam
A Gleam WebSocket client
A Twitch client for Gleam
A peaceful web framework that targets JS.
Gleam bindings for the standard JavaScript Request and Response APIs
Deno.serve for Gleam (
A smoother way to send HTTP requests in Gleam with Axios-like APIs
A smoother way to send HTTP requests in Gleam, an abstraction over Hackney - see the readme for important notes!
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) in Gleam
Gleam modules and functions for installing and invoking TailwindCSS
Gleam modules and functions for installing and invoking TailwindCSS
HTTP client written in and for Gleam
An AWS Signature Version 4 client implementation, used for S3 auth, etc
Gleam bindings to the API of the Gatus health check tool
Advent of code helper - automating setup of tests, solution template and problem input
A Gleam client for the Pushover push notification API
Library for interacting with Plunk's API (https://useplunk.com) in Gleam - supports both the Erlang and Javascript targets
A practical web framework for Gleam
A library for building live views and real-time server components in Gleam
A simple gleam http server and router built on top of erlang cowboy