
Exact Match:
  • 739
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 32

    Utility functions to deal with Top-Level Domains of the global DNS system. Fetches the current list of TLDs from IANA and makes it acces...

Search Results:
  • 739
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    recent downloads: 32
    tld 0.3.0

    Utility functions to deal with Top-Level Domains of the global DNS system. Fetches the current list of TLDs from IANA and makes it acces...

  • 2 236
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    recent downloads: 34
    email_tld_validator 0.1.2

    A simple email address validator for Elixir that first checks the address with a regular expression and then checks if the Top-Level Doma...

  • 553 472
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    recent downloads: 69 052
    domainatrex 3.0.4

    Domain / TLD parsing library for Elixir, using the Public Suffix List.

  • 302
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    recent downloads: 10
    public_suffex 0.0.1

    A module for determining the TLD given a valid URL. A special thank you to @elbow-jason for all his mentorship and code expertise.

  • 357
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    recent downloads: 8
    domain_parts 0.1.0

    A module for extracting the parts of a domain (subdomain, domain, and tld).

Showing 5 packages of 5 total