
Exact Match:
  • 406
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 11 726
    thrift 1.3.2

    A collection of utilities for working with Thrift in Elixir. Provides a copy of the Apache Thrift Erlang runtime.

Search Results:
  • 1 576
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 496 790
    thrift_erl 0.13.0

    Thrift bindings

  • 276
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    total downloads: 7 681
    thrift_protocol 0.1.5

    An Erlang implementation of Thrift protocol.

  • 82
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    ash_thrift 0.2.0

    Thrift extension for the Ash framework.

  • 66
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    hbasex 0.1.6

    A HBase driver for Elixir using HBase Rest and Thrift Interface (v2)

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    thrash 0.3.3

    Fast serializer/deserializer for Apache Thrift's binary protocol.

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    elixir_thrift_hbase 0.0.3

    A Wrapper for HBase Thrift Calls

Showing 7 packages of 7 total