
  • 544
    recent downloads
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    mssqlex 1.1.0

    Adapter to Microsoft SQL Server. Using DBConnection and ODBC.

  • 452
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    spawn_statestores_mssql 1.4.1

    Spawn Statestores Mssql is a storage lib for the Spawn Actors System

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    mssql_ecto 1.2.0

    Ecto Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server. Using Mssqlex.

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    mssqlex_v3 3.0.4

    Adapter to Microsoft SQL Server. Using DBConnection and ODBC.

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    mssql_adapter 0.1.1

    Ecto v3 Adapter to Microsoft SQL Server.

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    exql 0.0.3

    A functional query tool for MSSQL.

Showing 6 packages of 6 total