
  • 845 158
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 7 010 546
    open_api_spex 3.21.2

    Leverage Open Api Specification 3 (swagger) to document, test, validate and explore your Plug and Phoenix APIs.

  • 118 900
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 283 132
    reactor 0.15.0

    An asynchronous, graph-based execution engine

  • 1 751
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 51 177
    bonny 1.4.0

    Bonny: Kubernetes Operator Development Framework. Extend Kubernetes with Elixir

  • 503
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    total downloads: 1 551
    genai 0.0.3

    Generative AI Wrapper: access multiple apis through single standardized interface.

  • 258
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    ex_open_api_utils 0.7.3

    Elixir Utilities for open api 3.0

  • 162
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    total downloads: 162
    ash_ops 0.2.3

    An Ash extension which generates mix tasks for Ash actions

  • 128
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    swagdox 0.2.0

    Generate OpenAPI specs from documentation comments in Elixir modules.

  • 97
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    kino_k8s 2.0.0

    A Livebook Kino for learning to use the k8s Elixir library.

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    open_api_spex_yaml 3.11.0

    Mix task with YAML formatter for open_api_spec library

Showing 9 packages of 9 total