WIP, unstable Elixir API wrapper for coincap.io. Provides access to market capitalization data of bitcoin, altcoins and cryptotokens.
This is not production ready yet but I want your feedback.
Simple, opinionated library to build CQRS/ES driven systems.
Elixir lib for creating Debian and RPM packages with Distillery.
Elasticsearch without DSLs
WIP Elixir API wrapper for etherchain.org. Provides access to ethereum blockchain data.
A json based SNS/SQS configurator for elixir/phoenix projects
WIP. Elixir wrapper for blocktrail.com Bitcoin api and some utility functions.
Elixir app to interact with DecisionLogic SOAP interface
Create a deb for your elixir release with ease
HBCI/FinTS client library for Elixir.
Vex validator adapter for Formex
A teeny-tiny ORM/library for managing ElasticSearch documents in Elixir
A newtype abstraction for Elixir
OpenAI API client for Elixir
A schema based `opt` validator
Overseer is similar to OTP Supervisor, but it supervise the erlang/elixir nodes.
An HTTP request params accepting library providing atom key conversion, value type converting, validations etc in a plug.
An event sourcing library based upon asynchronously generated perspectives
Elixir lib for creating Debian packages with Mix Release.
Easy usage of the Planga Seamless Chat Service inside an Elixir+Phoenix application.
WIP, not stable Elixir API wrapper for poloniex.com. Provides access to market data including trading pairs between ETH, BTC, DOGE, LTC a...
Mobile push notification library
An Elixir driver for RavenDB
Reddit API Wrapper
An advanced session store for Elixir and NodeJS based on Redis
Job command language to query and flow control event streams
Spike helps you build stateul forms / UIs with Phoenix LiveView (and/or Surface UI)