
  • 2 834
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 9 051
    unicode_string 1.4.1

    Unicode locale-aware case folding, case mapping (upcase, downcase and titlecase) case-insensitive equality as well as word, line, graphem...

  • 458
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    total downloads: 9 482
    elibphonenumber 8.13.39

    Erlang driver for libphonenumber.

  • 436
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    cpg 2.0.7

    CloudI Process Groups

  • 370
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    total downloads: 9 014
    cloudi_core 2.0.7

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework

  • 340
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    total downloads: 8 455
    mstore 0.3.7

    Fast, flat metric store.

  • 326
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    total downloads: 5 700
    cloudi_service_api_requests 2.0.7

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework API requests (JSON-RPC/Erlang-term support)

  • 294
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    total downloads: 4 903
    cloudi_service_http_client 2.0.7

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework HTTP client Service

  • 274
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    total downloads: 4 007
    cloudi_service_http_rest 2.0.7

    REST HTTP CloudI Service

  • 226
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    total downloads: 2 675
    cloudi_service_http_elli 2.0.7

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework elli HTTP Service

  • 136
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    total downloads: 930
    cloudi_service_api_batch 2.0.7

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework API Batch Service

  • 68
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    cloudi_service_db 1.5.1

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework Database (in-memory/testing/generic)

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    weather_report 0.3.0

    Get weather forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration! As the NOAA is a United States government agency, only...

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    cloudi_service_db_http_elli 1.6.0

    Erlang/Elixir Cloud Framework elli HTTP Service

Showing 13 packages of 13 total