
  • 340
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 113 043
    sqlite_ecto2 2.4.1

    SQLite3 adapter for Ecto2

  • 179
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 26 784
    sqlite_ecto 1.1.0

    SQLite3 adapter for Ecto

  • 61
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 645
    mbtiles 0.4.3

    Library that simpilfies working with mbtiles files to use it you need to specify the mbtiles path in your config config :mb...

  • 47
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    total downloads: 2 200
    chinese_dictionary 0.1.1

    A chinese dictionary based on CEDict. Supports Traditional -> English, and Simplified -> English

  • 42
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    total downloads: 718
    on_maintenance 0.7.0

    Plug.OnMaintenance, an Elixir Plug, is used to disable access to your application for some length of time.

Showing 5 packages of 5 total