Scenic.Clock - Analog and Digital clock components for Scenic
Scenic.Driver.Local - Scenic driver for locally rendered devices
Scenic.Driver.Glfw - Main Scenic driver for MacOs and Ubuntu
A Framework for building for building Scenic applications.
Scenic.Driver.Nerves.Rpi - Scenic driver providing drawing (only) on a Raspberry Pi under Nerves.
A library that allows you to live-reload your Scenic code in development, utilizes exsync.
Scenic.Driver.Nerves.Touch - Scenic driver providing touch input for Nerves devices.
A library of Scenic components.
OLED is a library to manage the monochrome OLED screen based on chip SSD1306. Implements a Scenic driver but also set of graphic primitve...
Brings CSS-like grid as well as auto-layouts for components. This allows one to dynamically add components to a scene. The goal is to...
Scenic render and input driver for Waveshare display HAT for Raspberry PI
ReflectOS Kernel is the foundation of the ReflectOS ecosystem, and provides the base set of modules needed to extend your ReflectOS system.
Animation keyframe generator for Scenic
Send GPIO events to Scenic
Scenic.Driver.Nerves.WaveshareTouch - Scenic driver providing touch input from WaveShare displays for Nerves devices. This project is bas...
Scenic.Keypad - Keypad component for Scenic
Scenic.FuelGauge - A component for displaying fuel level in a scenic project
A package designed for use with Scenic providing primitives for all free FontAwesome icons.
A library to provide a Scenic framework driver implementation for the Inky series of eInk displays from Pimoroni. Built on top of the pap...
Scenic.Toggle — On/off toggle component for Scenic
Derive Scenic drawing primitives from Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
When you just need to show a loading spinner in scenic
Scrollable component for the Scenic library
This library provides a [Scenic]( driver implementation for OLED
Scenic.Battery - A battery monitor for Scenic
A flat, round, Zdog-inpsired 3D engine for Scenic