An open and opinionated DeFi/CeFi/TradFi trading platform using productive & familiar open source libraries and tools for strategy resear...
Download and warehouse historical trading data
Dead simple image resizing & cropping tool for phoenix projects.
The view layer in Phoenix v1.0-v1.6 apps
Wraps OpenTelemetry from Erlang and JS, providing opinions and documentation for rapidly adding tracing to an application.
PLEASE USE axtioncable instead of actioncable. actioncable is moving into this new deps. link
Easy flamegraphs for your application or benchmarks
MavuSnippetsUi: Rodent - Management for mavu_* projects
MavuSnippets: Text-Snippet - Management for mavu_* projects
MavuBeUserUi: Backend-User-UI for mavu_* projects
A multi-chain DeFi development toolkit
Provide remix icons.
Feather Icons for Elixir
Supabase UI for Surface
This package adds a convenient way of using Font Awesome SVGs with your Phoenix, Phoenix LiveView and Surface applications.
A handy tool for all your administrative needs.
Building native-like Elixir apps for Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android using Phoenix LiveView!
Automate code & data workflows with interactive notebooks
This package adds a convenient way of using Heroicons with your Phoenix, Phoenix LiveView and Surface applications. Heroicons is "A set ...
Phoenix view helpers for notified
Phoenix view helpers for HTML components styled with tailwindcss
A project test
An elixir package that adds ability to query your database through a web UI.
Global navigation between multiple Phoenix endpoints
Full stack isomorphic Elixir web framework that can be used on top of Phoenix.
Making development of Phoenix LiveView live_components easier.
A GUI to manage EVM blockchain ingestion
A super-admin UI for Ash Framework, built with Phoenix LiveView.
A PETAL-stack batteries-included boilerplate for making Phoenix apps without tedium.
Work in progress...