An authorization library to restrict what resources the current user is allowed to access, and load those resources for you.
Elixir Scribe - A Mix Task to Generate Elixir and Phoenix Projects The Elixir Scribe tool aims to help developers to more easily write c...
Dashboard for Observer applications using OTP distribution
Phoenix integration for Ash Authentication
The JSON:API extension for the Ash Framework.
Page pattern for interacting with web pages
Phoenix view functions for working with WebComponent
Utilities for integrating Ash and Phoenix
Extension driven superpowers for Phoenix Routes
Adds full-text search, scoping, filtering, ordering, and pagination APIs for the Ash Framework.
Blogs, docs, and static pages in Phoenix
Execute PhoenixTest cases in an actual browser via Playwright.
A page builder annex CMS made by Fish on Fire
Dashboard for the Oban job processing framework
A serializer for `Phoenix.Socket` that encodes and decodes messages using BERT (Binary ERlang Term)
E2E reactivity for Svelte and LiveView
A slick websocket client for Phoenix channels
Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
Phoenix components for pagination, sortable tables and filter forms using Flop.
The Inertia.js adapter for Elixir/Phoenix.
Automate code & data workflows with interactive notebooks
A Phoenix LiveView component library
An Elixir authentication library designed for effortless setup
A package to make custom elements and Phoenix LiveView so happy together
Dynamic (multi)selection field for LiveView
Dashboard for Tracing applications using erlang debugger
Write pipeable, fast, and easy-to-read feature tests for your Phoenix apps in a unified way -- regardless of whether you're testing LiveV...
A super-admin UI for Ash Framework, built with Phoenix LiveView.
Components-based design system written in elixir
A kino for rendering fully-styled function and live components in Livebook