
  • 52 250
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 124 012
    flame_on 0.6.0

    Add Flame graphs to Live Dashboard or your own LiveView

  • 52 126
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 862 146
    vapor 0.10.0

    Dynamic configuration management

  • 51 792
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 650 158
    k8s 2.6.0

    Kubernetes API Client for Elixir

  • 51 723
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 752 663
    raxx 1.1.0

    Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients.

  • 51 574
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 310 766
    chromic_pdf 1.15.2

    Fast HTML-2-PDF/A renderer based on Chrome & Ghostscript

  • 51 070
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 23 840 052
    sendgrid 2.0.0

    A wrapper for SendGrid's API to create composable emails.

  • 49 532
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 154 360
    knock 0.4.14

    Official Elixir SDK for interacting with the Knock API.

  • 47 441
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 118 754
    live_select 1.4.0

    Dynamic (multi)selection field for LiveView

  • 45 988
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 023 947
    exq_ui 0.14.0

    Exq UI is the UI component for Exq, a job processing library. Exq UI provides the UI dashboard to display stats on job processing.

  • 44 832
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 126 055
    image 0.44.0

    An approachable image processing library primarily based upon Vix and libvips that is NIF-based, fast, multi-threaded, pipelined and has ...

  • 43 504
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 206 486
    literature 0.2.15

    A simple CMS / Blog

  • 42 871
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 128 079
    request_validator 0.8.4

    A blazing fast request validator for your phoenix app.

  • 42 379
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 686 327
    ex_abi 0.7.2

    Ethereum's ABI Interface

  • 41 828
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 291 444
    kaffy 0.10.2

    Powerfully simple admin package for phoenix applications

  • 41 591
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 179 451
    elixir_auth_google 1.6.9

    Minimalist Google OAuth Authentication for Elixir Apps

  • 40 881
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 356 343
    gcs_signed_url 0.4.6

    Create Signed URLs for Google Cloud Storage in Elixir

  • 40 241
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 13 953 231
    ex_force 0.4.1

    Simple Elixir wrapper for Salesforce REST API

  • 40 216
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 216 167
    ash_postgres 1.5.24

    A postgres data layer for `Ash` resources. Leverages Ecto's postgres support, and delegates to a configured repo.

  • 39 922
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 195 638
    ex_unit_span 0.1.0

    An ExUnit formatter to visualize test execution

  • 39 331
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 780 588
    instream 2.2.1

    InfluxDB driver for Elixir

  • 38 203
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 150 221
    carbonite 0.11.1

    Audit trails for Elixir/PostgreSQL based on triggers

  • 37 462
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 631 384
    benchee_json 1.0.0

    JSON formatter for the (micro) benchmarking library benchee.

  • 36 284
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 491 327
    exmoji 0.3.0

    Emoji encoding swiss army knife for dealing with Unicode and other gotchas.

  • 35 662
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 139 017
    bumblebee 0.5.3

    Pre-trained and transformer Neural Network models in Axon

  • 33 494
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 322 536
    ffmpex 0.10.0

    FFmpeg command line wrapper.

  • 32 755
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 394 090
    tds 2.3.5

    Microsoft SQL Server client (Elixir implementation of the MS TDS protocol)

  • 32 293
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 332 438
    tentacat 2.3.0

    Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API

  • 32 018
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 142 010
    unleash 1.9.0

    An Unleash Feature Flag client for Elixir

  • 30 719
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 157 515
    phx_component_helpers 1.4.1

    Making development of Phoenix LiveView live_components easier.

  • 30 627
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 78 575
    safetensors 0.1.3

    Safetensors implementation for Nx

Showing 91–120 packages of 2097 total