
  • 53 122
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 205 762
    mojito 0.7.12

    Fast, easy to use HTTP client based on Mint

  • 4 548
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    total downloads: 144 717
    bolt_sips 2.0.11

    Neo4j driver for Elixir, using the fast Bolt protocol

  • 156
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    total downloads: 22 120
    exsentry 0.7.1

    ExSentry is a client for the Sentry error reporting platform.

  • 28
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    total downloads: 553
    urlpreview 0.0.3

    Fetches meta data from websites and returns information useful for things such as URL previews.

  • 22
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    xclient 0.7.0-vendored-xhttp

    XClient is an HTTP client based on XHTTP.

Showing 5 packages of 5 total