Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
Add inline styling to your HTML emails, and transform them to text
An inline SVG file renderer for Phoenix Framework. This package is designed to make loading SVG based icons into HTML structure much ease...
Readability library for extracting and curating articles.
ESpec for Phoenix web framework.
Lightweight server-side integration test functions for Phoenix. Optimized for Elixir Pipes and the existing Phoenix.ConnTest framework to...
Library to help selecting the right elements in your tests
oEmbed consumer library for Elixir applications.
Helpers and assertions extracted from espec_phoenix
ExUnit assert helpers for testing rendered HTML.
An HTML DSL for Elixir
Remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix.
Elixir package to validate European VAT numbers with the VIES service.
Write pipeable, fast, and easy-to-read feature tests for your Phoenix apps in a unified way -- regardless of whether you're testing LiveV...
High-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
An Ueberauth strategy for CAS authentication.
Heyya the testing utility for Phoenix framework components and live view
Template helpers for Phoenix applications
EasyHTML makes working with HTML easy.
IMDb connection to get some information about personnalities.
Furlex is a structured data extraction tool written in Elixir. It currently supports unfurling oEmbed, Twitter Card, Facebook Open Graph...
A library that adds the ability to use controller tests as integration tests without using headless browsers.
Translate strings using the Bing HTTP API. Requires that you have a Client ID and Secret. See for information.
HTML query functions
Phoenix Admin Panel built with PETAL.
A library that provides a list of ISO3166 country names, two letter abbreviations, three letter abbreviations, and functions for converti...
Custom extendable markdown parser.
A library for detecting existing HTML elements on a page or a component in liveview
Declarative XML parsing library backed by Floki
A Elixir wrapper for the Open Graph protocol, which supports all properties from the OpenGraph Protocol Originally based on Andriel Nuern...