An approachable image processing library primarily based upon Vix and libvips that is NIF-based, fast, multi-threaded, pipelined and has ...
Traditional machine learning on top of Nx
High-performance text generation library based on nth-order Markov chains
A collection of ONNX vision AI models with wrappers based on Ortex
AI Elixir convenience package to install Bumblebee, Nx, Explorer, Scholar, Image, Torch, Tensorflow etc. Inspired by npm -i ai
Soothsayer is an Elixir library for time series forecasting, inspired by Facebook's Prophet and NeuralProphet.
IREE compiler and runtime facilities for Nx
Axon thin wrapper for inference.
Reinforcement Learning built with Nx
Bio inspired algorithms using Elixir
LAG (Linear Algebra Graph)