
  • 32 948
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 927
    step_flow 1.8.0

    Step flow manager for Elixir applications

  • 31 140
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 1 002
    backwater 3.6.0

    Intercluster RPC independent of distribution protocol

  • 28 220
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 97
    chaperon 0.3.1

    An Elixir based HTTP load & performance testing framework

  • 27 627
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 351
    xprof 1.3.0

    Visual tracer and profiler for BEAM languages

  • 27 431
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 410
    broen 3.1.2

    broen provides a bridge between HTTP and AMQP

  • 26 536
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 39
    blazay 1.2.0

    Compressor is a distributed video compressor. It's designed to be used with Upmaru Studio

  • 26 487
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 496
    camarero 1.0.3

    The application-wide registry with handy helpers to ease dispatching.

  • 25 034
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 669
    riverside 2.2.1

    A plain WebSocket server framework.

  • 24 952
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 161
    reverse_proxy 0.3.1

    A Plug based reverse proxy server.

  • 21 304
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 985
    reaxt 4.1.1

    Use your react components into your elixir application, using webpack compilation.

  • 21 023
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 63
    plug_proxy 0.4.0

    A plug for reverse proxy server

  • 20 947
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 375
    phoenix_client_ssl 0.5.0

    Set of Plugs / Lib to help with SSL Client Auth.

  • 19 839
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 75
    ping_plug 1.0.2

    A plug to echo a defined message.

  • 19 001
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 67
    plug_graphql 0.3.1

    A Plug integration for GraphQL Elixir

  • 18 978
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 508
    buckaroo 0.4.2

    Simple `:cowboy` (v2) webserver with support for SSE and WebSockets.

  • 18 702
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 25
    phoenix_cowboy_remove_server_header 0.1.0

    Remove `server: Cowboy` in http headers from Phoenix

  • 17 048
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 485
    plug_accesslog 0.15.0

    Plug for writing access logs

  • 16 954
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 603
    echo_boy 0.6.1

    HTTP and WebSocket echo server as an OTP Application

  • 16 181
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 47
    acme_ex 0.4.1

    A test Acme server for generating SSL Certificates

  • 16 056
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 37
    ex_admin 0.8.2

    An Elixir Phoenix Auto Administration Package.

  • 15 977
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 99
    plug_cors 0.8.2

    Deprecated: CORS Plug Middleware. Please use corsica instead

  • 15 940
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 4 553
    nova 0.10.4

    Nova is a web application framework

  • 14 230
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 79
    plug_auth 1.1.0

    A collection of authentication-related plugs

  • 13 735
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 212
    ca 5.11.22

    CA CXC 138 21 Certificate Authority

  • 13 518
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 66
    bolt 0.1.9

    A simple job queue backed by redis and built in elixir.

  • 12 250
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 167
    microscope 1.4.0

    A simple static web server written in Elixir

  • 11 831
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 325
    xprof_gui 2.0.0-rc.5

    Visual BEAM tracer/profiler GUI

  • 11 105
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 34
    chat 6.8.2

    CHAT X.509 CMS Instant Messenger mqtt://

  • 10 918
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 90
    charlotte 0.4.0

    Charlotte is a Web Framework. It takes a little from Rails and a little from Sinatra and does a few things it's own way. The goal is ...

  • 10 746
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 161
    riptide 0.5.2

    A data first framework for building realtime applications

Showing 61–90 packages of 332 total