Timex is a rich, comprehensive Date/Time library for Elixir projects, with full timezone support via the :tzdata package. If you need to ...
A plug to rewrite the Plug.Conn's remote_ip based on request headers such as Forwarded, X-Forwarded-For, X-Client-Ip, and X-Real-Ip
Json5 in Elixir
Elixir small utilities
Parsers P1 output of a Smartmeter
Helper modules to connect an ELEMENT app with ELEMENT IoT
bf is a simple Brainfuck interpreter written in Elixir.
A DSL for the Retex algorithm
Library to convert a JSONPath expression into an access path
XmlParsec is a library based on [parser combinators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parser_combinator), written in pure Elixir.
Address specification parser (RFC2822).
lightweight SQL toolkit