
  • 166
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 5 468
    obelisk 0.10.0

    obelisk is a static site generator for Elixir. It is inspired by jekyll, with the goal of being fast and simple to use and extend.

  • 22
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    total downloads: 734
    hermes 0.1.0

    Is a mailer component for sending & recieving emails. The name comes from the greek messanger of the gods.

  • 10
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    total downloads: 455
    compassIO 0.0.1

    Read (and eventually write) compass .DAT files.

  • 8
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    total downloads: 588
    neo4j_sips_models 0.1.1

    Add Models support to the Neo4J Elixir driver

Showing 4 packages of 4 total