
  • 124
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 710
    operate 0.1.0-beta.15

    Operate | Agent is an Elixir agent used to load and run Bitcoin programs.

  • 72
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 994
    manic 0.1.1

    Manic is an Elixir client for interfacing with Bitcoin miner APIs.

  • 42
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    total downloads: 417
    shapeshifter 0.2.0

    Shapeshifter lets you quickly and simply switch between Bitcoin transaction formats.

  • 36
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    univrse 0.2.0

    A universal schema for serializing data objects, secured with signatures and encryption.

  • 22
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    total downloads: 203
    handkit 0.2.0

    Handkit is an Elixir client for the Handcash Connect API.

Showing 5 packages of 5 total