Wrapper for Puppeteer-pdf, a node module that use Puppeteer to convert HTML pages to PDF.
Index, search, and investigate your code base with OpenAI's embeddings API
Document generation using LaTeX
A file attachment/storage library for Elixir
ElementTui: an Elixir library to create terminal user interfaces (tui).
SAML Metadata Extractor, Etc: A library for processing large collections of SAML metadata
Automatic conversion of eex templates to heex
SAML metadata parsing extension for Smee
Runs `mix test` on ONLY the code you currently have staged in git. It's designed to go in a git `pre-commit` hook.
Hot-deploy your Phoenix app to a running instance
A wrapper for `NMAP` written in Elixir.
An Elixir library for easily downloading and extracting Git repositories from various hosting services.