Extensions for Elixir structures.
The FSM implementation generated from PlantUML textual representation.
Easy handling of time periods, like business days, holidays, etc.
The helper application that simplifies and standardizes telemetry usage.
A simple HTTP Cookie encoder and decoder in pure Elixir with zero runtime dependencies.
The supervised tree of tasks, simplifying the process of handling: - recurrent tasks - retried tasks - long tasks - etc
Easy publishing to many different targets. Supported back-ends: - Rabbit [Amqp](https://hexdocs.pm/amqp/) - Redis [Redix](https://hexdo...
The helper application to manage cluster, that uses hash ring to route requests to nodes. Automatically keeps track of connected nodes, ...
Managing operator configuration
A wrapper for the Lightning CSS tool.
Generate a module whose implementation can be swapped at runtime with tools like Mox.
The tiny library to ease handling expiring invalidated cached series.
Library bringing erlang typespecs to runtime. Allows type validation, types structs with upserts validation and more.
The partitioned dynamic supervision of FSM-backed workers.
Generate a module whose implementation can be swapped at runtime with tools like Mox.
Library bringing types support to elixir. Allows type validation in compile time.