
  • 67
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 5
    ex4j 0.1.0

    Combine the power of Ecto with the Bolt protocol + an elegant DSL for Neo4J databases.

  • 812
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 15
    neo4_ecto 0.0.2

    Neo4Ecto is an Ecto adapter that sits on top of Bolt.Sips driver and Ecto Data Mapping Tool Kit.

  • 725
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    recent downloads: 35
    seraph 0.2.4

    A toolkit for data mapping an querying Neo4j database in Elixir

  • 2 180
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    recent downloads: 53
    ecto_neo4j 0.6.6

    Ecto adapter for Neo4j graph database

Showing 4 packages of 4 total