
  • 2 649
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 52
    ex_fake_http 0.3.2

    A scriptable HTTP server for testing

  • 1 266
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 14
    bnet_api 0.1.0

    A simple api library for (

  • 792
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 52
    gen_browser 0.4.1

    Give clients/browser an identifier that can be used to send messages to/from/between clients. In essence a pid.

  • 37 891
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    recent downloads: 163
    ace_http 0.5.0

    HTTP and HTTPS webservers built with the Ace connection manager

  • 787 399
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    recent downloads: 33 578
    raxx 1.1.0

    Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients.

Showing 5 packages of 5 total