Extract dominant colors from given image (using kmeans), wrapper on top of rust kmeans_colors.
Elixir wrapper around `wkhtmltoimage` tool for converting HTML into images
Running at most one process on the OTP cluster with a distributed supervisor.
Elixir library to manage automatic docker-compose redeployments for new docker images
Evernote API client for Elixir NOTE: Everex is UNDER DEVELOPMENT, and is NOT ready for production use. Feedback and contributions (via p...
PNG image library for Gleam
A library to calculate Xirr through the bisection method using parallel processes.
Scrape podcast RSS feeds and extract and provide as much of the metadata available as possible. Includes ID3.2.x parsing of mp3 podcast r...
On-Demand Scanning API client library. A service to scan container images for vulnerabilities.
A library that connects images in your ecto schemas to an image resizing proxy.
LinkPreview is a package that tries to receive meta information from given http(s) address. Generated page struct includes website title,...
Library for distributing stream processing across a cluster
An Erlang date/time processing library
Opinionated image resizing library
Easily abort the processing of a plug stack
Eventize can be used to create persistent processes using EventSourcing.
An Iso8583 processing library for erlang
Fetch a favicon with multiple fallbacks, returning the image itself.
Print all messages sent or received by a process.
Phoenix Component that provides easy drop-in image resizing using Cloudflare Image Resize.
Messages processing with Elixir
Asynchronous job processing tool for Elixir applications
Elixir client for the Routemaster event bus server. Supports publishing events, subscribing to topics, receiving and processing events. ...
Functions to publish and upload remote images into Ghost CMS
A tool for extracting and processing information from various file formats, including CSV, JSON, and XML.
A rudimentary (but hopefully -- eventually -- simple & powerful) API for querying and monitoring the status of servers, server processes,...
A workflow library allowing a process to be defined as steps. Think of a more generic implementation of Plug.
Run a Stream as a process
Simple elixir library to define composable FSM as function (not related at all with `:gen_fsm`, no state/process management)
Remote empheral application process runner.