Elixir language bindings for Cedar implemented as a safe Rust NIF
Property testing library.
A binding to the PurePeace's simple-rijndael Rust crate for Elixir.
ex_stemmers wraps the rust-stemmers crate
ex_keyword_extraction is an elixir wrapper for keyword_extraction crate - it includes the following algorithms: TF-IDF, Rake, TextRank
mdka is a html to markdown converter using mdka-rs crate
This package exposes the pledge(2) system call available in OpenBSD
An Elixir/Erlang nif wrapper to call Ed25519 functions in rust from https://github.com/dalek-cryptography/ed25519-dalek Requires rust/ca...
P2P communication over Quic for Elixir using QP2P
NIF binding for the poppy bloom filter library using Rustler
[rust-uchardet](https://github.com/emk/rust-uchardet) elixir port
ex_text_splitter wraps the rust crate text-splitter. It allows to divide text into chunks
Package for serializing and deserializing data formats using Rust's serde libraries
Elixir/Erlang bindings for libtorch.
Nif Wrapper for Murmur3 rust library
Markdown NIFs built on top of pulldown-cmark using Rustler
Rust extension for string -> keccak hash