StructAccess provides a generic implementation of the `Access` behaviour for the module where this library is used.
A library that provides structs with constructor, getter and setter methods
A macro to create data structures as structs.
Cased provides user and employee activity audit trails to companies that need to monitor access to information or demonstrate regulatory ...
LinkPreview is a package that tries to receive meta information from given http(s) address. Generated page struct includes website title,...
Utility functions to deal with Top-Level Domains of the global DNS system. Fetches the current list of TLDs from IANA and makes it acces...
Cap is Central Authentication Plug for Phoenix, access control library with Role-based access control (RBAC) and Attribute-based access c...
A summary struct and functions for the Multi-Player Buzzword Bingo game.
A square struct and functions for the Multi-Player Buzzword Bingo game.
Logic holding structs
in-memory cache for ecto struct.
ExNabava is unofficial elixir lib for accessing public data.
Evernote API client for Elixir NOTE: Everex is UNDER DEVELOPMENT, and is NOT ready for production use. Feedback and contributions (via p...
An Elixir plug to rewrite the value of remote_ip key of Plug.Conn struct if the request comes from a trusted proxy.
MapGrid allows you to convert an array of maps or structs to a tabular structure, which includes the key on top and adds the values below...
Transform map to struct
Google service account access token handling
Yildun is a white-hued star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor, forming the second star in the bear's tail. And it i...
WIP Elixir API wrapper for Provides access to ethereum blockchain data.
ETS backed in-memory key-value cache with entry expiration after creation (TTL) or last access (idle-timout) and automatic value loading....
Reduce boilerplate by generating struct `new` and `put` functions. and validate your structs when they are created and updated.
Access stock market data from
Business Profile Performance API client library. The Business Profile Performance API allows merchants to fetch performance reports about...
WIP, unstable Elixir API wrapper for Provides access to market capitalization data of bitcoin, altcoins and cryptotokens.
Binary serialization library compatible with Rust's Bincode crate. Share Rust structs with your Elixir application.
An Elixir library for accessing the GitHub API.
A struct based implementation of a pure Elixir ordered n-ary tree
An elixir library for accessing the Firebase REST API.
Transforms string maps into nested structs: knits strings into something useful.
Oneflow SDK that manages authentication and includes several structs for order management
Elixir Client for Microsoft Cognitive Services. With this library you can access the cognitive services api and add machine intelligence ...