RabbitMQ middleware to plug into exchange chain to transform data. Peluquero is reading all the configured source exchanges, transforms ...
Forge Abi contains forge related protocol buffer definitions and Goldorin GraphQL definitions. It is a dependency for Forge and Forge Eli...
OpenAPI 3.1.0 router generator for Elixir
Elixir package for reading/writing yml/yaml files
An Elixir server implementation of OpenAPI Specification v3 within Plug
Elixir library to interact with the Kadena blockchain.
Build tool for opsmaru.com
Blogit is an OTP application for generating blog posts from a git repository containing markdown files.
Translates a string of words to a select number of lingos. Right now the only lingo available is Pirate, more to come shortly!
A modern static site generator for the Elixir community
Supporting libraries and runtime engine for Flutter on Nerves.
Start/stop your test environment using Docker containers
Generate schema code for various libraries, like ecto, absinthe, etc.
Decrypt soap file and load it to Application config
Helper functions for the Fermo static site generator
A simple somewhat opinionated consul config provider for elixir 1.9+ releases.
Griffin static site generator
An Ash extension which generates mix tasks for Ash actions
annonktl is an escript that controls the Annon API Gateway cluster.
Swagger based document driven development for ExUnit
ExI18n - key-based internationalization library.
A lightweight, signal-driven workflow framework for building dynamic systems
Fast. Reusable. Quenya framework helps you generate and build OpenAPIv3 compatible API apps easily from a spec. It greatly reduced the ti...
A bland static site generator
Download RSS/Atom feeds enclosures.
Mix tasks for installing and invoking age
A configurable Elixir API gateway.
Collection of build components for Phoenix LiveView
Blogs, docs, and static pages in Phoenix
Content Management System for static sites, like Jekyll but with elixir/eex rather than liquid templates