Authentication library for Elixir using Plug
Thesis is a lightweight bolt-on content editing system for Phoenix websites.
Upstream is for integrating into projects that need to do large file uploads to B2 service. It integrates tightly with Backblaze B2 for n...
The Moesif API Elixir Plug is a sophisticated API monitoring and analytics tool tailored for Elixir and Phoenix applications.
An Elixir sever for the resumable upload protocol “tus”
APIac Elixir plug for IP whitelisting
API access control for Elixir - behaviour definitions and convenience functions
Small plug to toggle routes based on their patch by a environment variable or app config
An Elixir plug to rewrite the value of remote_ip key of Plug.Conn struct if an X-Forwarded-For (or any other predefined) header is found.
A plug and play package for using Turbolinks with Elixir web frameworks
Proxy requests to other plugs.
A plain WebSocket server framework.
PhoenixGon hex - your Phoenix variables in your JavaScript.
Elixir implementation of Chargebee API (WIP)
Kubernetes Webhooks SDK for Elixir.
Dynamically updating, searchable, sortable datatables with Phoenix LiveView
Add recurring billing to your Phoenix application
Graceful shutdown the application
MetaPidRequest provides an OTP application for keeping track of meta data associated with requests.
Elixir implementation of Chargebee API v2
A full featured, configurable authentication and user management system for Phoenix.
Simple pagination for Ecto and Phoenix using plaing EEx templates.
Simple Plug to extract access_token from request and add it to private map in Plug.Conn struct.
A convenience for manipulating cache-control header values.
Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
Error tracking and reporting to Honeybadger
Simple `:cowboy` (v2) webserver with support for SSE and WebSockets.
File uploads for Elixir.
An Elixir StatsD client made for DataDog.
Use Discord as a logging service and error tracking solution