Mix tasks and library for converting jpeg, png, etc images to webp
powered and security auth platform
A metrics library to make connecting with New Relic easier.
A modular and easily customizable content management library that gives you pretty much everything you need for your basic phoenix projec...
Elixir client for Unilink Affiliation Service
Helpers for rendering components from front-end frameworks in Phoenix
Phoenix template engine for Ratchet
A collection of instrumenters for common elixir projects.
Admin interface generator
A behaviour for defining JSON-API spec controllers in Phoenix. Lets you focus on your data, not on boilerplate controller code. Like Web...
A mix task to generate scaffolding for an elm app inside a Phoenix (1.3) app
Add the materialize-css package to your project.
User accounts for Phoenix. Supports OAuth, JWT and forms out of the box
A plug that handles authorization in phoenix applications via policy modules.
A multi-chain DeFi development toolkit
Toolbox that help to do trivial things faster. I have more free time for life
Libraries and utils for general elixir development.
CLI version of Phoenix LiveDashboard
Track changes to your Ecto models.
A DRY way to get CRUD.
An Elixir Phoenix component library inspired by [Tremor](https://www.tremor.so/) - The react library to build dashboards fast.
Fully accessible unstyled Phoenix components
Phoenix Template Engine for Slim
Collection of elixir utils
Alexa Request Verifier is a library that handles all of the certificate and request verification for Alexa Requests for certified skills....
Provides some helper methods to build manager and admin applications quicker
Elixir library for sending metrics to New Relic.
Lightweight, flexible resource authorization.
Mix task for running specific tests in your phoenix project via 'mix test' (ex_unit) and 'mix watch' (mix-test.watch, not included) more...