
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
282 063 777

  • prometheus4.12.0

    84 703 828 Downloads client in Erlang

  • prometheus_cowboy0.1.9

    1 019 535 Downloads

    Cowboy exporter for the prometheus.erl client

  • prometheus_ex3.1.0

    65 859 532 Downloads

    Elixir-friendly Prometheus monitoring system client.

  • prometheus_httpd2.1.14

    1 497 205 Downloads inets httpd exporter

  • prometheus_phoenix1.3.0

    57 379 888 Downloads

    Prometheus monitoring system client Phoenix instrumenter.

  • prometheus_plugs1.1.5

    54 384 523 Downloads

    Prometheus monitoring system client Plugs. Http metrics collector and exporter.

  • prometheus_process_collector1.6.1

    9 541 808 Downloads process collector Collector exports the current state of process metrics including cpu, memory, file descriptor usage and native threads count as well as the process start and up times.

  • quantile_estimator1.0.1

    7 677 458 Downloads

    A quantile estimator written in Erlang