
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
415 509

  • cocktail0.10.3

    260 728 Downloads

    Cocktail is a date/time recurrence library for Elixir based on iCalendar events. It can generate a stream of dates/times based on a set of repeat rules.

  • deferrable0.0.1


    Library for deferring execution of code until the completion of a transaction block.

  • ecto_diff0.5.1

    100 427 Downloads

    Generates a data structure describing the difference between two ecto structs

  • excal0.3.2

    22 232 Downloads

    NIF bindings to libical providing icalendar rrule expansion.

  • tipalti0.10.0

    31 924 Downloads

    Tipalti integration library for Elixir, including Payee and Payer SOAP API clients and iFrame integration helpers.
