Webpack asset imports in Elixir code. For example in Phoenix controllers/views/templates or LiveView's.
configuration provider to load and validate immutable application configs during boot process
Protocol to aid casting unknown values to known value
Comparable (aka Orderable) Elixir protocol
Comparable (Ord) protocol implementation for Decimal type
Lightweight library for restricting concurrency
Consumer server for RabbitMQ.
compile-time named arguments for Elixir functions and macro
Dev tools
Tool provides support of Elixir terms in system env variables
Better enumerations support for Elixir and Ecto
Implement behaviours... partially
Share reactive state across nested LiveView's
Protocol for custom views of data in logs (hide sensitive data etc)
Provides a set of icons for Elixir projects using TailwindCSS
Moon Back Office templates
Icons used in Moon Design system - both aka-components and svg files
read type class families